Everywhere is written estring or estr MUST be used E-Strings, not normal
strings. If you wont fulfil it, your program may in better case do
strange shings and in worse case crash your computer.
NewEStr(length)(PTR TO CHAR)
This allocated memory and header for an EString with a <length>.
This frees memory and header of estring.
EStrCopy(estring,string,length=-1)(PTR TO CHAR)
This function copies <length> characters from <string> to <estring>. If <length>=-1,
whole <str> is copied.
StrCopy(string,str,length=-1)(PTR TO CHAR)
This function copies <length> characters from <str> to <string>. If <length>=-1,
whole <str> is copied.
Be sure that the <string> is long enough.
EStrAdd(estring,string,length=-1)(PTR TO CHAR)
This function adds <string> of <length> to the end of the <estring>. If <length>=-1,
whole <string> is copied.
StrAdd(string,str,length=-1)(PTR TO CHAR)
This function adds <str> of <length> to the end of the <string>. If <length>=-1,
whole <str> is copied.
Be sure that the <string> is long enough.
This function returns length of the <estring>. It is much faster than StrLen(),
but it can be used only with E-Strings.
This function returns length of the <string>. It can be used also for E-Strings,
but it is much slower than EStrLen().
This function returns maximum length of the <estring> excluding last zero byte.
SetEStr(estring,length)(PTR TO CHAR)
This function sets <estring>'s length to <length>. It is needed if you do some
operations with the <estring> without E-String functions.
ReEStr(estring)(PTR TO CHAR)
Same as SetEStr() but length is got via zero byte finding.
EStringF(estring,formatstr,arguments)(PTR TO CHAR)
This function generates formated <estring>. Where <arguments> are same types
as used in <formatstr>.
StringF(string,formatstr,arguments)(PTR TO CHAR)
This function generates formated <string>. Where <arguments> are same types
as used in <formatstr>.
Be sure that the <string> is long enough.
LowerStr(string)(PTR TO CHAR)
All characters of <string> are converted to lower case.
UpperStr(string)(PTR TO CHAR)
All characters of <string> are converted to upper case.
This functions return position of <str> in <string> starting at position defined
by <startpos> or -1 if not found.
This functions copies <length> characters from <string> started at <startpos> to the
<estring>. If <length>=-1 all characters are copied.
This functions copies <length> right characters from <estr> string into the <estring>.
This compares <str1> and <str2> of the <length> and
returns -1 if <str1>=<str2> else 0. If <length>=-1
whole string is compared.
This compares <str1> and <str2> of the <length> and
returns 1 if <str1>><str2>, 0 if <str1>=<str2>
and -1 if <str1><<str2>. If <length>=-1 whole string
is compared.
This reads string from filehandle <fh>. String is read byte by byte
until "\n" or "\0" reached. All characters are copied
into <estring>.
"\n", "\t", " " and similar characters will
be skiped in the <string> and returned.
str:='\t \nHello\n'
now <str> contain 'Hello\n' only.
Note: if source was E-String, result is not an E-String.
Returns TRUE if <byte> is an alphabetical letter, otherwise FALSE.
Returns TRUE if <byte> is a number letter, otherwise FALSE.
Returns TRUE if <byte> is a hexa-decimal number letter, otherwise FALSE.
Returns TRUE if <byte> is a binary number letter, otherwise FALSE.
Val(str:PTR TO CHAR,startpos=0)(LONG,LONG)
This functions returns a number which is generated from the <str>.
Currently is able to use binary(eg: %1011100), hexadecimal (eg: $12ab34dc)
and decimal (eg: 123) numbers. If you specify <startpos> the
number generation will start on this position. If string contains
illegal characters this will probably return an illegal value. If the
<str> begins with ' ', '\n' or '\t' characters, all of these
will be skipped.
From 0.16, it returns also end position of read number: num,pos:=Val(str,pos)
will return position in str after the number.
RealVal(str:PTR TO CHAR,startpos=0)(DOUBLE,LONG)
This function is similar to Val(), but it is usable only with floats.
Currently is able only to convert strings with format of '[-]x.y',
so no exponent alloved. If the <str> begins with ' ', '\n' or
'\t' characters, all of these will be skipped.
From 0.16, it returns also end position of read number: num,pos:=RealVal(str,pos)
will return position in str after the number.
RealStr(str:PTR TO CHAR,num:DOUBLE,count=1)(PTR TO CHAR)
This function generates <str> from given <num> with <count> of digits after the point.
Currently does not allow exponents.
RealEStr(estr:PTR TO CHAR,num:DOUBLE,count=1)(PTR TO CHAR)
Same as RealStr(), only generates an E-String.
The <character> will be converted to lower case and returned.
The <character> will be converted to upper case and returned.